January 20th, 2009 August 7th, 2008
As I reflect on the last 5 months of my life, it is with great PRAISE and REJOICING that I am here and able to write about what has happened to me. Over the past few years, I have been very sick. In the flesh, I have been sick.
I was raised to always have FAITH! I always remeber when my Dad passed away and my mother's explanation of where my Daddy was. She said, "Daddy is with God now." That was when I was 6, and I understood. I have always tried to keep faith and keep my head up as much as I could. Another one of my mom's big sayings was "Where there's a will, there's a way" That is so true. God's will is EVERYWHERE, so nothing is impossible.
Back to where I was, being sick has done so much more for me than ever thought possible! I am not talking about just physically, but mentally. It was in this time that I have found the true meaning behind what my mom had always told me. God is more than just someone that you pray to when you have a problem. He is a Provider, Caregiver, Lover, Friend, and so much more than ever thinkable. I am so thankful to be growing in my realtionship with God through Jesus. Without the things that I have learned, I really feel that my life would be a large pit! I have never let myself get so far down that I could not get up!
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28
This is SO TRUE! When we cast all of our fears, worries, burdens, troubles, anxieties upon the Lord, we are given rest. There are so many times when I can remember being scared and not knowing where to turn. Turning to Jesus was the answer.(as ALWAYS)
"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart. I have overcome the world!" John 16:33
Jesus died for each of us so that we would be freed of our sins. He has overcome the world as He was raised from the dead to be at the right hand of the Lord Our God! How AMAZING!
So, in being sick, I have learned so much! I am so blessed and thankful beyond words expression. Luckily, God knows my heart and He knows how I feel!
"Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens." Psalm 68:19
No matter how big, how small, or how much, God takes our burdens! When we freely give our burdens to God, it is amazing the peace that is achieved! We just have to remember that we can not take our burdens back. We have a giving God and if we do not trust him with our issues, He gives them back to prove to us that we indeed DO need HIM!
I DEFINATELY need God in my life. Do you?
ABSOLUTELY!!! ALWAYS!! I love you!!