Monday, January 12, 2009

Today Is a BIG DAY!

My little baby became a little girl today! She started her first day of school! She was so excited! She could cared less if I was even there to see her off...such a silly girl! I am so thankful to have her in my life! 5 years ago I thought children were a vision of the future...the FAR FUTURE!
God blessed Corey and I to be parents and we are so happy about that! At the time it seemed like bad timing. We got engaged on October 4th, 2003. We decided then that we would get married May 14, 2005. So, we had a little bit of an engagement! It wasn't anything to us though because we had already been together for several years beforehand. Anyways, my friends and sisters had a Bridal Shower for me on April 2 (The day after our niece Kaelyn was born) The next day, I took a pregnancy test and it was +!!! We were so lost and excited all at the same time! But, it was such a great example of how God's Timing is always perfect! My step father was ill at that time and he was able to know that he had a first grandchild on the way!!! Beings that he passed a week after we got married, he never got to meet her, but I am sure that he spoils her rotten with love! Sometimes she acts so much like him that it is scary! lol
Now as I think about the fact that she is at school, I can't help but smile to think that God has done this for me and my family! Our lives would be so different without her! I am also thankful that she has the BEST Guardian Angels to take care of her while I can't be with her! 2 of her Grandpas.....1 Brother...3 Brothers or Sisters....a Cousin......God knows what we need and just how to take care of us, even if at the time it does not seem like it...He Knows Best! :)

1 comment:

  1. Not only is this a BIG day for's a BIG day for Mommy & Daddy!! This is just the beginning of lots & lots of BIG days.....cherish every one of them. God allows us the priviledge of loving & caring for His's our jobs to do the very best we can with His love & guidance. You are doing a GREAT job!!!!

    Enjoy all of it.....I love you
